1898 /rénové en 2011 38 III/P
- Bourdon 16′
- Principal 8′
- Bourdon 8′
- Octave 4′
- Flûte 4′
- Cornet III 2 2/3′
- Superoctave 2′
- Fourniture IV 2′
- Cymbale 1′
- Trompette 8′
- Cor de nuit 16′
- Flûte 8′
- Salicional 8′
- Voix céleste 8′
- Prestant 4′
- Flûte traversière 4′
- Nazard 2 2/3′
- Flageolet 2′
- Tierce 1 3/5′
- Plein-jeu 1 1/3′
- Trompette harmonique 8′
- Basson-Hautbois 8′
- Bourdon 8′
- Flûte 4′
- Nasard 2 2/3′
- Flûte 2′
- Tierce 1 3/5′
- Larigot 1 1/3′
- Cromorne 8′
- Principalbass 16′
- Soubasse 16
- Principal 8′
- Flûte 8′
- Ocatve 4′
- Flûte 4′
- Bombarde 16′
- Trompette 8′
- Trompette 4′
* Accouplements : III-II; III-I; II-I; I-P; II-P; III-P; III-P 4′ (Superoctav-Koppel)
Read the description of the organ
The old organ dates from 1898 and was built by the Kuhn organ factory. It was originally equipped with an independent console with windchest and pneumatic action. The original composition of the stops had already been changed.
The new three–manual organ with 38 registers is equipped with slider chests and mechanical action. The stop system is integrated directly into the case base. The transmission of the registers is electrically driven and supported by an electronic combiner.
The new composition of the stops and the voicing have given the organ the ability to play classical organ music, romantic works of German and French inspiration.